AODA Programs
The All Abilities soccer program offers all children and youth with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, within Simcoe County, the District of Huronia, York Region and the Surrounding Areas, an opportunity to learn and play the great game of soccer.
Every child deserves a chance to build lasting friendships, make memories and feel like they belong. The All Abilities team strives for an inclusive environment where no child is noticed for their disability, rather, their enormous abilities shine.
Our program is fully inclusive, designed and adapted for children with any disability or level of behaviour. Whether they use a wheelchair, walker or wear orthotics, or live with an intellectual, communication (ASD) or developmental disability, we provide support (1:1 as needed) and welcome all on the field.
Union FC’s All Abilities Program is the First of its kind in Simcoe County and we are at the forefront of development of not only soccer programs but also physical literacy programming, and recreation/socialization opportunities.
The three pillars of our program are FUN, FRIENDS, and FITNESS!
The All Abilities Team is always looking for Volunteers. Community Service hours are available for students.